So yeah, after Low Tier God finished Mario 3 because he forgot to save state, he played a game from childhood. Nothing wrong with that except 1) he forgot how it plays, 2) thinks "it's 2018 so I'll just cheat", and most importantly 3) streaming while cheating and being hot shit about it.
Also not a fan of him putting up constant paywalls just to play games. It's ignorant and semi-vagrant (in the sense that he lives by begging on streams despite him)
Dude even told people to donate money just for him to play Street Fighter or other games he clearly has zero interest in, but would make great content if he just tried. As a wise internet man once said, "Internet Alimony. Pay me so i can maintain the lifestyle I'm accustomed to".
This is going to be the last time I make a video like this on Mr. Sparrow. I like LTG and I enjoy his Street Fighter 5 streams but when he deliberately makes them private because "trolls" steals his footage and refuses to capitalize on easy money (considering he brings up ad revenue) and not to mention his terrible nostalgia streams, this is where I take issue.
Next project may be some Top 10s I had in mind.