Marvel: Contest of Champions - Act 4.4.6 Final Battle - Maestro w/Arc Overload Buff vs Dr. Strange

2018-05-11 6

The final battle in Act 4, Chapter 4 with Dr. Strange versus Maestro with the Arc Overload buff. It took me a bunch of revives to get the timing to avoid Maestros L1 attack with degeneration on the last beam (beam 3 of 3).\r
My 1st try on my third line of 4.4.6 with Scarlet Witch went well, but I couldnt bait his L2 and got backed into the corner and KOd.\r
I made a little mistake with DS on the 2nd attempt and heres the 3rd time lucky run!\r
Hopefully this will help in your battle against Maestro. There are a few elements to dealing with Maestro and the Arc Overload buff:\r
1) L1 DEGENERATION (2:59). Get the timing for his L1 attack down (punch, beam, beam & degen beam). When you see the first green beam, count one, two, EVADE!!! \r
***** PRO TIP *****\r
Attack until Maestros L1 power bar is ALMOST full and stop. Try and have your L1/L2 ready and then do a MLLM and combo into your L1/L2 to try and fill up his L2 power meter. Its much easier to bait and avoid his L2.\r
2) L2 Special. Easy (1:08). His L2 is a ranged sword attack which is easy to block/evade. Just be aware he has an L3, so bait his special if his power bar gets up to his L2.\r
3) ARC OVERLOAD BUFF (1:10). Dr. Stranges L3 (no dupe needed) or Scarlet Witchs (a.k.a. SW) L3 (no dupe needed) will nullify any beneficial effects (e.g. arc overload), so save your L3 and fire it off just BEFORE Maestros arc overload kicks in to fate seal and PERMANENTLY remove is arc overload timer (I forgot about Fate Seal in this video as I was switching between Strange and Witch, but the technique is pretty much the same. Just L3 before instead of after). SW can also nullify on critical hits, but its not 100% like DS or SWs L3. Some guys in my alliance have beaten Maestro with arc overload with a duped 3* Star-Lord, but youll have to be lucky to keep your combo going. A duped Thor is another option if you have one.\r
If you have any questions let me know in the comments section below. Good luck Summoners!\r
Enjoy and thanks for watching!\r
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