SEAT has a special reason to celebrate - the Martorell factory, the driving force behind the company, is turning 25 tomorrow. The factory was inaugurated in 1993, after only 34 months of construction work and an investment of 244.5 billion Spanish pesetas (1.47 billion euros). Since then, SEAT has turned out nearly 10 million vehicles of a total of 39 different models and versions in these facilities. In 1993 SEAT shifted production from its old Zona Franca factory in Barcelona, where the brand had been building cars since 1953, to the new Martorell facilities located just 30 kilometres away. With a total surface area of 2.8 million square metres, today around 2,300 cars are manufactured here every day, which is about 95% of the plant’s capacity utilisation. With more than 455,000 vehicles made in 2017, production in Martorell has grown by more than 50% since 2009, making it the factory that produces the most cars in Spain (Europe’s second largest vehicle manufacturer and the eighth biggest in the world), and one of the highest volume facilities in Europe.