One year under Moon admin.: Changes in and around Presidential Blue House

2018-05-11 3

A year has passed since President Moon took office,... and there may or may not be fundamental changes but one thing's for sure: the top office and the president seem more people-friendly.
Cha Sang-mi went to check it out herself.
It's been a year since the Moon Jae-in administration came into office promising change; change for the people, in their daily lives, for the entire nation.
One of the many changes in the past year has been witnessed in and around the presidential Blue House.
Mount Inwangsan is one place where such change can be clearly seen.

"Part of this mountain, however, has been restricted to the public since January 1968, after North Korean special forces attempted to assassinate the then-South Korean President Park Chung-hee in his residence at the Blue House."

Following President Moon's visit to the mountain in March, the Blue House decided to tear down the barbed wire fences.

"Some areas were restricted for military and security reasons. But after long discussions, we recently decided to open up and return the entire mountain to the citizens."

Cutting-edge surveillance equipment has since been put in place.

"When I came hiking here a few years ago, these areas were all off limits. It's meaningful that it's open to the public now."

"We travelled all the way from Incheon as we heard the mountain was opening up for President Moon's first year anniversary. We love it "

The road in front of the Blue House, which had been closed at night for the last half a century opened its irongate to the public day and night starting in June last year.
Now, tourists and protesters enjoy their right to expression and freedom of speech.

"This is the first time I am back to Korea since the new administration. And I've seen such a big change in Seoul and Korea in general."

(May 10, 2018)
The gardens inside the Blue House, which had long been regarded as strictly off limits to the average Koreans... have now become a venue for the nation's First Couple and their neighbors to enjoy a late spring evening concert under the calm moon's tranquil beam.

"It's already been a year since I've become a neighbor of yours.

We hope you will regard this evening as a special gift to the residents nearby to show our gratitude from my wife and I, from all of us at the presidential office of Cheong Wa Dae."

The Cheong Wa Dae, the president, the nation... at least, at its first year mark, still making efforts to increasingly become one for the friends and families of all people, indeed.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

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