Speakers' Corner: HUE THE GNOSTIC

2018-05-09 6

HUE THE GNOSTIC is re-uploaded to YouTube as part of a new chronological ordering of all of Hue’s videos of Speakers’ Corner in the north-eastern extremity of London's Hyde Park.

This 'talk' (or what HUE calls a ‘shout’) is more of a friendly and enlightening discussion, with him and three other of the Corner's orators; augmented ably by a few of the Corner’s "regulars", and some casual passers-by.

"It was a very congenial meeting," says Hue. "And I enjoyed 'reliving' it during the editing."

This is one of Hue's personal favorites among the videos of his small sum of RECORDED 'shouts’. Around the 15:36 mark, there is a mention of LENNI BRENNER who was, if indirectly, in the mainstream British media some four years later in May 2016 because of remarks made by former London Mayor KEN LIVINGSTONE. Unlike Ken, though, HUE doesn't down-play and "sugar-coat" the awful Truth.

Brenner, described at the time of the furore in London’s mass-circulation free newspaper the ‘Evening Standard’ (owned by a Russian oligarch) as: “a Marxist historian” had actually published 51 documents PROVING the collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists.

As always, the film carries brief embellishments of Music by the Great Master ENNIO MORRICONE.

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