Orson Welles - "The Hearts of Age"

2018-05-08 9

"The Hearts of Age" (1934) is a surrealist short film made by a 19 year old Orson Welles, and it represents his first public work.

Soundtrack made by Valerio Orlandini - http://www.valeriorlandini.com

A note about the soundtrack

It is not easy to score a movie like this, made of sudden changes, a blurred plot and a series of different atmospheres and feelings in such a short time. I tried to keep in the music the indefinite nature of the movie, the constant feeling that anything may happen - but most of the times nothing does. I played with contrasts (concrete - abstract, people - objects, material - immaterial and so on) and tried to evoke them with my selection of sounds, melodies and effects.