Beverly Ann - He's Coming Home

2018-05-01 4

Released back in October 2008, a tremendously exciting project for Northern Soul fans everywhere. We've done a deal with Wienerworld, a major music DVD company, and the same company who originally released our classic documentary "The Strange World Of Northern Soul", and we have now released the definitive DVD box set. A five disc set of 200 performances called "Northern Soul's Greatest 200 Floorfillers". This uses some songs from "The Strange World Of Northern Soul" which are completely re-edited, so they look fresh and sparkling new. All the previous video effects done in the 1990s are gone forever, consigned to history. Plus loads and loads of never before seen videos, many of which have sat in the can untouched for many many years. Plus some newly recorded tributes to the classics. If you ever went to Blackpool Mecca or Wigan Casino, this is the must-have purchase of the year. In putting together this box set, we have nearly all the biggest all time blockbusters, "Out On The Floor", "Night Owl', "I'm On My Way", "Time Will Pass You By", "Blowing My Mind To Pieces", "Do I Love You", all sung by the original singers. We believe this will go down in history as the greatest Northern Soul DVD collection of all time. Here, blue eyed soul chanteuse, Beverly Ann, sings her Wigan Casino anthem, "He's Coming Home". Beverly Ann also recorded as Beverly Bremers. Her two singles on RCA, "You've Got Your Mind On Other Things", and "He's Coming Home" are virtually synonymous with the legendary Wigan Casino. In 2001, my friend Kev Roberts rang up, out of the blue and said he'd made contact with Beverly Ann and would I take her out to dinner while she was in London, so I thought what a great idea to recut her Northern Soul classics and film her for posterity. Her wonderful single on Scepter as Beverly Bremers, "Get Smart Girl", used to be one of my favourite records growing up in the 1960s, and discovering obscure records with a Motown sound, which it most certainly did have. We first tried to find Beverly, but failed, when we were filming our marathon six disc, twenty four hour massive documentary about the entire history of the Northern Soul scene, which contained 131 specially recorded performances of all the classics, and is still available on a six disc box set from Wienerworld.