Roseanne Barr On The People Who Are Mad That She Supports Trump: ‘I Don’t Give A F**k’

2018-05-01 19

On Monday night, Roseanne Barr appeared on The Tonight Show to promote her smash hit reboot Roseanne.

Jimmy Fallon began by congratulating the comedian on the success of her show.

“What was it, 20 million people or something?” Fallon asked.

“Um, 27,” Roseanne corrected the host, after which he apologized.

Barr told Fallon that she didn’t expect such high viewership but that she has “hopes” and that she was “blown away.”

“You know, I think people just identify with the family and they missed ’em. They missed the family,” Barr said about the Conners.

When asked if it “felt weird” being back on the set, she explained that they had to replicate the original set because it had been destroyed after Roseanne went off the air, but that the 21 years that had passed but it felt like they only “had a month off.”
Fallon then mentioned that there are people who “aren’t so happy” that she is a staunch supporter of President Trump. And she had quite the blunt response.

“Oh yeah, people are mad about that,” Roseanne responded. “But, you know, I don’t give a f**k.”

The audience bursted into laughter and applause.

“Well, everybody had to choose for themselves according to their own conscience who they thought was the lesser of two evils,” Barr elaborated. “You know, everybody chose that. So, I’m not gonna put anybody down who didn’t vote like me. This is America. It’s a free country. And, you know, when you weigh it all together, you know, I think — I just felt like we needed a whole new thing, all the way, bottom to top.”