Akshay Kumar has crossed the 100 crore mark in his film releases and isn’t it a wonderful feeling for the KHiladi.?
Yes here is Akshay’s Rowdy RAthore which was a 133 crore plus success and had all the ingredients for being a super hit.
Airlift is another flick which was a patriotic take on a real life incident that happened in our country. Indeed the way the Indians were brought back to the country in a crisis was well portrayed and Akshay played a helpless Indian to a T taking it to a 100 crore release.
Holiday was another Akshay Kumar starrer showing Akshay as a responsible soldier on duty . Indeed this was a remake of a Tamil Film Thuppaki but grossed 112 crores. Similarly Houseful 2 and Housefull 3 crossed the 100 crore mark.
So is Rustom also gonna be a 100 crore grosser considering its present 80 crore run now?