D-1: Countdown to historic meeting of Pres. Moon and Kim Jong-un (PART1)

2018-04-26 1

하루 앞둔 남북정상회담, 임종석 비서실장 브리핑서 "내일 오전 9시 30분 역사적 첫만남"

The whole world is talking about it, and now it's just a day away.
For the first time in eleven years, on Friday the leaders of the two Koreas will hold a bilateral summit.
We now connect live to our very own Hwang Hojun, who's part of the Panmunjom Press Pool, and is at the main press center in Goyang, just north of Seoul.
Hojun, with all the attention this summit is getting, the press center must be absolutely packed by now.

Devin, you're absolutely right.
Thousands of reporters and media personnel from Korea and abroad are here at the Main Press Center anxiously preparing for the historic meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
As you said, this is the first summit meeting in 11 years. It's the third overall; the first two took place in 2000 and 2007.
Around this time last year, people were talking about Korea being on the brink of war, but now, in drastic contrast, more hopeful thoughts are emerging of reconciliation.
So, considering the rocky path the two Koreas have gone through, it's easy to understand the hype here at the press center.
As of Tuesday, two-thousand-eight-hundred-and-fifty reporters had registered to cover Friday's event.
And the press center has also made on-site registration available so we can safely assume the total number of reporters will reach 3000.

Yes, the excitement over there is apparent even watching here from the studio.
We know from your reporting that the South Korean presidential office has been doing everything it can to make sure that the summit tomorrow goes off without a hitch.

That's right.
As a matter of fact, the summit preparatory committee carried out its last and final run-through today.
It was the final check-up with implementing necessary changes the committee found during Tuesday's rehearsal, in which they inspected every detail,... from the paths people will take,... all the way down to the furniture inside the building.
Less than half an hour ago, the Blue House spokesperson confirmed the final rehearsal went smoothly and that South Korea is ready to host the North Korean leader tomorrow.
According to the Spokesperson, 6 out of the 7 officials who will accompany President Moon tomorrow attended the final rehearsal and ran through the entire program and inspected even the smallest detail.
And this time, there were two body doubles for President Moon and Kim Jong-un.
There were a couple rehearsals in the past two days as well.
The two Koreas held a joint rehearsal yesterday.

Now Hojun, it was kept under wraps for a little while, but this morning they released a detailed schedule for the summit tomorrow.

That's right, and we finally have a set time for the historic meeting between the leaders of the two Koreas.
According to Presidential Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok,.... heading the summit preparatory committee, announced this morning that the two leaders will first meet at