Salman Khan is busy actor yet he always takes out time for his humanitarian work. It seems Salman Khan wish to have few more tips about his charity work, philanthropist work and that is why he visited Dalai Lama in Ladakh. On twitter the picture has been shared of the meeting. The picture speaks thousands words as we can see how Salman Khan is liking the company of Dalai Lama.
Salman Khan is in Ladakh for shooting of his next film TUbelight. Not much has been revealed about the film’s plot. Salman has teamed up with director Kabir Khan once again for the film and the actress of the Zhu Zhu is Chinese actress a find of the director.
The picture shows Salman Khan is truly enjoying with Dalai Lama. Salman had also visited a hospital there to help any needy kids needing aid for heart related operations.