The first season of Naagin, a supernatural TV drama, had Arjun Bijlani, Mouni Roy,Adaa Khan, Sudha Chandran in lead roles. Naagin premiered in November 2015 and ended in June 2016. Till the time it was on air, it maintained a top position in the BARC ratings. Ever since the news of its second season broke out, its loyal fans wanted to know the names of the lead actors of the show.
So here we are with the final list of the lead actors. While Arjun Bijlani, who played the male lead in Naagin, might not be seen in the second season; Mouni, Adaa and Sudha will be very much a part of the show.
In a recent interview sudha stated “Yes, I am going to be a part of Season 2. I don’t know how my character and story is going to shape up, but I have full confidence on Ekta that whatever she plans for me will be the best,”