N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un to be presented Honor Guard from S. Korea's armed forces

2018-04-26 10

The South Korean government has said that the South Korean armed forces will give North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a guard of honor,... as he enters the South,... as the first North Korean leader to do so for over seven decades.
We connect Jiwon to hear more on the matter.

Good morning, Mark.
South Korea's defense ministry announced Wednesday evening that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be presented with a guard of honor from the three branches of South Korea's armed forces,... when he crosses the border to the South Korean side at Panmumjom.
However, the confined space at Panmumjom means that a full three-hundred-member honor guard is impossible,... so the size of the guard of honor will be reduced to about one hundred-fifty members.
The defense ministry says that the guard of honor means to show the South Korean government's support for regaining mutual trust and reconciliation between both Koreas, and for promoting peace on the Korean peninsula, and also hoping for the success of the third inter-Korean summit.

And the annual joint military drill Foal Eagle is to be completed by today?

That's right Mark, a military official told Arirang News this morning that the decision whether or not to end the exercise on Thursday will be decided at a meeting this morning between South Korean Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Jeong Kyeong-doo and his U.S. counterpart General Vincent Brooks.
The four-week joint military exercise between South Korea and the U.S. kicked off on the first day of this month.
And the computer-simulated Key Resolve exercise will also reportedly be temporarily halted on the day of the summit.
That's all I have for now, I will update more in our later newscast.
Back to you, Mark.

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