M&A Lawyers By Paul Ellis Law Group LLC

2018-04-25 2

Paul Ellis Law Group LLC work with buyers to focus on the key elements of value to be derived through a potential acquisition. Our analysis then guides negotiations, documentation and due diligence for a process that is as fast, efficient and cost-effective as possible. Our goal is to ensure that the buyer has the opportunity to become well-informed regarding the acquisition target and is pursuing a negotiation strategy designed to protect against downside risk and realize on expectations. Call Us (212) 949-5900 for more information about m&a lawyers( http://pelglaw.com/practice-areas/mergers-acquisitions/ ) or visit our website.

Address:- 99 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA

Phone:- (212) 949-5900

Official Website:- http://pelglaw.com/

GPL:- https://www.google.com/maps/place/Paul+Ellis+Law+Group+LLC/@40.750384,-73.9805994,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c259013f6bb181:0xe009ae8bdfe21956!8m2!3d40.750384!4d-73.9784107?hl=en