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Sarah Sanders Defends Trump's 'Breeding Concept' Tweet

2018-04-23 25

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Monday defended President Trump's "breeding concept" tweet.

 Reporters on Monday asked White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to clarify what President Trump meant by "breeding concept," reports the Washington Post. Trump used that phrase last week in a tweet about sanctuary cities. "There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept," the president wrote. "Jerry Brown is trying to back out of the National Guard at the Border, but the people of the State are not happy. Want Security & Safety NOW!"  American Urban Radio Networks' April Ryan was among those seeking a definition of the phrase.  "What did he mean by breeding?" Ryan asked Sanders. "The president has recognized that this is a major problem. A lot of people, even in California, want to see the issue of sanctuary cities addressed and the president is doing what he can to do that," the press secretary replied. Ryan then rephrased her question, inquiring, "What does breeding mean to the president? Because when you think of breeding, you think of animals breeding, populating." Sanders cut the question short by stating, "I'm not going to begin to think what you think."
"Certainly, I think that it can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but the president is talking about a growing problem," she further noted. In the days since the tweet, a number of people have expressed outrage.
"Taken literally, the most likely explanation is that he's talking about sanctuary cities as places where undocumented immigrants breed," CNN's Z. Byron Wolf wrote in an analysis piece.

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