Divided views on whether N. Korea ending nuclear program shows sincerity on denuclearization PART 2

2018-04-23 0

북한 핵실험 중지 발표... 비핵화 '진정성'에 의견 엇갈려 PART 2

How is this being received by the international community though.
Certainly hopes are high this is a sign of Pyongyang showing sincerity towards the summits.
But then we know how unconventional and unpredictable the hermit kingdom has been.

Well, I'd definitely have to say that views are starkly divided.
But some do think that the North has vowed to take some of the more specific steps that Washington would like to see in the process of denuclearization.
And this move came without any predetermined reward -- unlike in 2008 when Pyongyang destroyed a cooling tower for a nuclear reactor in Yongbyon... in return for the U.S. removing North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.
The North also attached no conditions to the moratorium on tests,... unlike in early March... when the North said it wouldn't carry out provocations (quote) "so long as talks continue."
The South Korean government views this as a meaningful progress towards denuclearization since it was the North's voluntary decision to halt tests and dismantle the test site.

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