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President Moon hails Pyongyang for its decision to freeze its nuclear site: Blue House

2018-04-23 5

문 대통령 "북한 핵 동결은 남북•북미 정상회담 성공 청신호"

On North Korea's decision to freeze activity at its nuclear test site,... President Moon Jae-in hailed it as a move that helps clear the way for successful summits with Seoul and Washington.

"North Korea on April 20th declared it would halt nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile tests, and as a practical measure it announced it would dismantle its Punggye-ri atomic test site. And we recognize this as a sincere measure by North Korea before the inter-Korean summit takes place."

Speaking at a meeting of his senior secretaries he described the move as a welcome development by the world, including President Trump who perceives it as a "very good news for North Korea and the World and big progress."
President Moon went on to say... if Pyongyang continue this path towards ending its nuclear program completely, the regime would be guaranteed a bright future.
While expressing hopes of that happening soon... he emphasized the world is watching and wishing for success -- for a permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula and a peaceful denuclearization.

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