Honey And Aloe Vera To Treat Wounds In Dogs

2018-04-20 2

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As with sugar, honey is a powerful natural healing used for centuries. Due to its antibacterial, soothing and antiseptic properties, and its ability to stimulate the regeneration of granular tissue and epithelium, it promotes healing and accelerates the process without resorting to commercial ointments.

Honey can be used to heal wounds in dogs of more or less mild, infected, burns, ulcers and deeper lesions, provided they are not very large. In case of necrotic tissue, it will be essential to visit the specialist. To use honey as a scar, you should follow these steps:

1. Clean and disinfect the wound well.
2. Apply a layer of pure honey from bees. It is very important to use a quality honey to guarantee optimal results. In this sense, although there are many types of honey that exist, studies show that manuka honey is one of the most recommended for its powerful antimicrobial properties.
3. Cover the lesion with gauze and bandage, exerting a slight pressure for the remedy to act.
4. Leave on during the hours stipulated by the veterinarian.
5. Make the bandage change by carefully removing the bandage, letting the wound air a little and repeating all the steps.

Depending on the type of wound, the bandage can be changed once a day or every few hours. Likewise, depending on the severity, honey to heal wounds in dogs can make its effect in days or weeks.

Aloe vera to heal wounds in dogs.

Its healing capacity comes from one of its main ingredients, acemannan, a mucopolysaccharide with powerful anti-inflammatory, soothing and stimulating properties of cell proliferation, which favors the regeneration of damaged tissue and accelerates the healing process of the wound.

To apply this natural remedy, simply follow these steps:

Cut a leaf from the plant, keeping in mind that those closest to the earth are the oldest and, therefore, those that have greater properties.
Make a longitudinal cut to open the blade lengthwise and extract the pulp.
If the pulp is too thick, mix it with a little water.
Cleans and disinfects the wound.
Apply aloe vera gel covering it completely.
Place a clean gauze and bandage to make the ointment work.
Change the bandage following the specialist's instructions and let the wound breathe before repeating all the steps.

In addition to helping to heal the wound, aloe vera calms the itching and relieves pain, in addition to preventing possible infection. On the other hand, this wonderful plant also has antifungal properties, so it is perfect for healing wounds caused by fungi.

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