ONTARIO, CANADA — A dog was behind bars in Canada on Sunday following a disagreement with a deer.
Finn, a mixed-breed, was walking off-the-leash on a trail with his human Reid Thompson and Thompson's girlfriend in Ontario, Canada on Sunday.
According to Fox News, Finn usually stays close by, but that day he caught whiff of a deer and went into hound-mode, ignoring commands to return. Thompson told Fox News, Finn chased Bambi along a road, through a hospital and back onto another road.
He said the two animals tangled for a bit, before scaling a guard rail and coming to some ice. But while Rudolph got away, Finn was put in the dog house after being nabbed by Canada's finest.
A photo of Finn behind bars inside a cop car went viral on Twitter, spawning #FreeFinn and dog vs deer memes galore.
Reportedly, the pup was later released, but his owners received a very un-Canadian talking to about animal control and keeping dogs on the leash.
Finn meanwhile seems to be doing fine. No word on the deer though. Maybe next time buddy.