Can I use someone else’s fat for buttock augmentation?

2018-04-15 9

Fat transfer to the butt, more popular as the Brazilian butt lift, is an effective and popular plastic surgery intervention. The procedure delivers natural and safer outcomes because it uses your own body fat to help you achieve the desired aesthetic goals. In order to qualify for the fat transfer procedure, you need to have excess, unwanted fat in your body.
While many patients have excess fat in localized areas of their bodies like the abdomen, sides, flanks, thighs, upper back, and arms, there are others who are slim and lack enough donor fat. As such, they wonder whether other people can donate fat to them for the surgery.

Unfortunately, you cannot use someone else’s fat for transfer to your butt or other body areas unless the donor is your identical twin. Fat transfer is basically a tissue transfer, which is not possible without an identical match of tissue. If someone else’s fat is used, your immune system will consider it a foreign agent and reject it. The fat will not survive as a result. You will notice that the fat has melted away within some weeks.