Tim Draper's Bitcoin tie proves the world isn't ready for cryptofashion

2018-04-14 7

I'll say this for venture capitalist Tim Draper: he is fully committed to the gimmick.

Appearing on the Fox News show of sentient bowtie Tucker Carlson, Draper donned a Bitcoin tie and big Bitcoin broach to discuss his plan to divide the state of California up into three separate states: Northern California, Southern California, and Bitcoinlandia California.

While the "Cal 3" plan is Draper's big current initiative — he says the proposal has garnered enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot — Draper is a huge proponent of Bitcoin and has been for a while, having scooped up thousands of bitcoin seized from dark web marketplace Silk Road and auctioned off by the U.S. government.

Besides appearing on Carlson's show, Draper also hosted a 2018 Block (Chain) Party on Thursday night where he came away with rather lofty expectations for the future value of the volatile cryptocurrency.

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