This adorable chihuahua does a U-turn and tries to hide when it's time to take his medicine.
Video captured on April 11 in the Northern Territory, Australia, shows Sox the dog try to disappear when he sees his owner with a syringe of medicine.
The rescue dog turns around the door, but his tail is still visible.
His reluctance to take his medicine is quite clear.
His owner wrote: "I hated giving him medicine because he hated it so much.
"He was saved from a property with his brothers and sisters (a litter of ten) and a lot of other animals that were badly abused.
"His sister had to have her leg amputated and he has two broken ribs that have set outwards because no one noticed until we did."
But Sox is a loyal companion, she adds.
"He is skittish, needy, neurotic, and the sweetest, most loving and intelligent dog we could ask for," the owner added.