Amid nationwide anger over the gangrape and murder of an 8-year-old in Kathua. Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti has tweeted saying the law will not be obstructed by irresponsible actions and statements of a group of people. She has added, Proper procedures are being followed, investigations are on the fast track and justice will be delivered. Remember, Mehbooba Mufti met Rajnath Singh on Wednesday, amid growing demand for the case being transferred to CBI. Horrific details emerged after state's Crime Branch filed the charge sheet in the case on Monday. The minor was abducted, raped and murdered in Rassana village in Hiranagar Tehsil of Kathua district in January. The body of the girl, from the Bakarwal community, was recovered from Rassana forest in Kathua on 17 January, a week after she went missing while grazing horses in the forest area.