Canister is Evidence of Chemical Attack in Douma, Activist Says

2018-04-11 266

Videos uploaded by activists after a suspected chemical attack on April 8 that killed at least 60 people are said to show an unexploded bomb that landed on a bed in a residential building in Douma, the site of the attack.

The video, posted to Facebook in the early hours of April 10, tallies with another video posted by an activist on April 8. Both videos show a device described as a bomb, lying on a bed in a room with a hole in the ceiling. The device bears resemblance to barrel bombs dropped by the tens of thousands on Syria since the war began in 2012. The devices are improvised and packed with fuel oil, shrapnel and other deadly ingredients.

The Syrian government reported an attack in Douma, but denied that they used chemical weapons. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said reports of the attack were “bogus” and warned against military action based on claims it took place.

On April 6, Russia’s state-run news agency TASS cited Major-General Yuri Yevtushenko, head of the Russian peace and reconciliation center in Syria, claiming Jaysh al-Islam was planning to carry out false-flag chemical attacks against civilians in areas under their control. He reportedly said they would blame pro-government forces for the attack for propaganda purposes. Jaysh al-Islam is known to operate in Douma.

Syrian state media reported on April 10 that the government had invited the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate the area for evidence of chemical weapons use. Credit: Yasser Aldoumani via Storyful