The Thrifty Pig 1941 film
The Thrifty Pig (aka Thrifty Pig and Walt Disney's The Thrifty Pig) is a 1941 four-minute educational short animated film made by the Walt Disney Studios, for the National Film Board of Canada. The film was released theatrically on November 19, 1941 as part of a series of four films directed at the Canadian public to learn about war bonds during the Second World War. The Thrifty Pig was directed by Ford Beebe.It is also a remake of the 1933 film of the same name
The Thrifty Pig features reused and reconfigured animation from Three Little Pigs (1933). Although in production prior to the Attack on Pearl Harbor, the film is an example of a World War II propaganda film.
Initial release: November 19, 1941
Director: Ford Beebe
Followed by: Seven Wise Dwarfs (1942)
Production companies: The Walt Disney Company, National Film Board of Canada, Walt Disney Pictures
Voices: Pinto Colvig, Billy Bletcher, Mary Moder, Dorothy Compton