4 Apr 2018 Gezza's Stream: Feeding Sweety at the fence. Aspen's off camera left. Pickles won't blimmin shut up! :o(

2018-04-04 27

This video is for pooklet aunty Kitty. She wanted a video of me feeding Sweety. This is the 2nd video. The first one was zoomed out a bit more but the Chinese neighbour started up his noisy mower and spooked Sweety, so she was too highly agitated to make a good movie actress.

Also the Sony Ericsson cellphone fell off the trellis it was taped to and landed on the concrete patio pad, & there was a burst of strong language & angry observations about rush jobs & winging it!

Aspen is off camera, left. He will eat off the fence but won’t come nearer than 3 feet – very neurotic, but likes my company the most. Sweety’s only using me for my wheat riches- I know that!

Pickles is driving us all nuts. You can hear why. He can whine on like this for an hour or more. :o(

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