Hip, Low Back, Sacro-Iliac Joint Pain or Stiffness: Hip Flexor Stretch

2018-04-03 8

Hip, Low Back, Sacro-Iliac Joint Pain or Stiffness: Hip Flexor Stretch
Insync Physiotherapy
4088 Cambie St. #102
Vancouver, BC   V5Z 2X8

Kneel down onto your left knee. Then rotate it about 45 degrees past the midline of your body. To keep your posture nice and tall imagine there’s a string pulling your whole spine upwards from your pelvis, right up your entire back and neck and up to the top of your head. Then engage your inner core muscles tight below your belly button and keep your low back flat. Next, bend the right knee forward and keep your posture nice and tall without leaning backwards. Then reach your left arm up pointing the fingers towards the ceiling nice and high and point your right finger tips to the floor. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times for each side. This stretch can help with hip, low back or sacroiliac joint pain and dysfunction. If you experience pain and continue having problems then consult your Physiotherapist.





