Workers fired after dropping icicles onto car

2018-04-02 2

Two maintenance workers have been fired after being filmed knocking a huge icicle off a building that caved in the roof of the car it fell on.

The pair were filmed by a witness as they removed dangling ice from the roof of an eight-storey block of flats in the Aeroport district of Moscow.

One is seen using a long-handled sledgehammer to whack a large icicle though he has obviously not thought about what will happen next.

The boulder-sized block of ice falls eight floors and devastates the beige car parked underneath.

A local resident who witnessed the incident said: "I was passing by today.
The car is in dreadful condition. Nothing surprising there, as the icicle is the same size as a wheel."

The incident was reported to the local administration, which has confirmed that the two unnamed people on the video have been fired.

The car's owner was not named in reports and it was not clear whether the fired workers would be paying for the damage.