Antibiotics after a tummy tuck surgery

2018-03-31 1

Remember that the use of antibiotics is common after most plastic surgery procedures, including the tummy tuck. Nobody wants to get infections after a surgery. As such, almost all patients get a prescription for antibiotics after the tummy tuck. Whether you need it or not, your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics after the procedure to keep you safe from potential infections.

The tummy tuck is a major operation. It involves surgical removal of the excess skin from your abdomen, apart from tightening the abdominal wall muscles. The incisions and surgical trauma involved in the procedure make your body susceptible to potential infections. Therefore, it is important to create a layer of defense in your body before an infection attacks you. The antibiotics before and after the surgery create that layer of defense.

If you are healthy and have no contamination, the most critical antibiotic for you is the one administered intravenously right before the tummy tuck. Normally, a cephalosporin is given via IV immediately before the surgery. Some surgeons prefer to give the antibiotic before the surgery.