New Jersey man’s beer belly is actually a tumor - TomoNews

2018-03-30 65

HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY — Sometimes seeing is believing, a beach-ball size tumor that was thought to be a beer belly, was found growing inside a 63-year-old New Jersey man's belly.

The belly trouble started out when Hoboken resident Kevin Daly was told to lose some weight after heart surgery which is quite frank but normal.

Standing at 6'2" and fit for his age, up until a few months ago, Daly just couldn't get rid of what friends and family thought was a beer belly, however, Daly doesn't like to drink beer and has always been athletic.

Daly got CT scan from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City which showed the beer belly was really just a massive mass occupying most of his abdominal cavity. It took the doctors six hours to get the tumor out in one piece, it turned out to be a 30-pound liposarcoma, a low grade, fatty cancer that was wrapped around a kidney.

Fast forward to two months later, Daly said he feels great and lucky as the tumor was slow growing, and now he just needs to be monitored with regular MRI check ups.

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