NowThis Interviews John Kasich

2018-03-28 19

It seems like Governor John Kasich wants you to think he’s part of the solution to a divided America, but, he doesn’t want you to think he wants you to think that.

So, is John Kasich running for President? NowThis Politics Producer Sean Morrow asked him point blank.

Kasich spoke with Morrow after a Q&A in Stuyvesant High School. During his appearance, he praised the Parkland students on their gun reform efforts and urged more young people to make their voices heard on issues like the environment and the national debt.

He also talked about the meaning of life a bit, stating, “We need to get back to doing what we can, as individuals, to try and make the world a better place.”

Governor Kasich has been a vocal critic of President Trump, as well as partisan politics. Lots of left leaning Americans think he is an example of a Republican who can speak responsible about guns. He also thinks there is a division of the Republican Party that may lead to its demise.

A lot of this sounds like platforms he can use to run in the next presidential election — but when asked if he’s going to be running, he responded, “Well, I don’t know what I’m doing.”