Let's React to MLP: FiM Season 5 Episode 18 Crusaders of the Lost Mark

2018-03-27 5

Y'know what's something I didn't finish, I could've easily done, but HAVEN'T done? ...No not that, I'm talking about finishing the uploads of all the Season 5 Blind reactions. So after Brotherhooves Social, what an episode to follow up on. Fillies and Gentlecolts, this is Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

As you can imagine, yes it's another episode featuring Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (AKA The Cutie-Mark Crusaders). In this episode, not only is it very music heavy with the obvious crusading for Cutie-Marks as per usual, but this one in particular is very special. Y'see, this one revolves around their #1 most heinous pair of fillies, Silver Spoon yes, but most especially Diamond Tiara. Why is that? You'll just have to watch and find out for yourselves!