Composer Suzannah Doyle shows you how to play Amazing Grace on piano, this time in a Jazz Ballad Style. Learn how to easily build advanced jazz chords, including Major 7ths, Major 9th, minor 7ths, minor 9ths, and 13 chords.\r
Youll also learn how some chords have the same notes as other ones, with only the bass note changing; how to choose which of the 4 or 5 notes of a chord to play in the right hand, and which in the left (as a bass note); how to walk the bass note down; the difference between playing a chord in root position (where all the skips are lined up) and playing it with its notes in a different order; and which are the most important notes to play when you have more than 3 notes in a chord.\r
Also includes a detailed demonstration of advanced jazz chord voicings (which order to play the notes in).\r
Download a free Fsheet of all 5 Amazing Grace Variations (showing the words and chords) here: \r
or visit the Teaching part of Suzs website at:\r