2018-03-27 2

My Gamertag/PSN: KingSuperior2K\r
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Aye Whats good yall yah already know im putting this work to get to the top, These Lame ass N*ggas already stole my last description so heres my new sh*t. Heres a lil bit bout me, so september 10th 2016 i started youtube, i had zero subscribers, now im on the, road to 100k Subscribers, im form guyana which makes me a guyanese youtuber the only one to play nba 2k17, on my channel i will show you guys the, best dribble moves in nba 2k17, best jumpshot in nba 2k17, best deadly crossover in nba 2k17, nba 2k17 tattoo tutorials, nba 2k17 badge tutorials, nba 2k17 fastest way to rep up after patch, after patch, nba 2k17 fastest 99 overall method after patch, how to break ankles in nba 2k17, nba 2k17 how to get ankle breaker badge fast, nba 2k17 fastest way to get posterizer, nba 2k17 ultimate dribble tutorial, nba 2k17 hidden secret dribble moves, nba 2k17 hidden shooting screts, mypark, nba 2k17 real life nba players at the park, nba 2k17 top 5 best jumpshots, nba 2k17 top ten best jumpshots, nba 2k17 how to create, nba 2k17 trash talker exposed, exposing a trash talker, nba 2k17 1v1 gone wrong, nba 2k17 unlimited vc glitch, nba 2k17 animations glitch, nba 2k17 mascot glitch, how to get free vc in nba 2k17, Lowkey Youtubers Like prettyboyfredo, cashnastygaming, chris smoove, kellhitemup95, Staxmontana, solluminati, qjb, jesserthelazer inspire me alot. people like OSN, oprahsidengga, LNU, Lostnunbound are some finesse gods, lmao, i only rock with a few youtubers on a personal level, my man, antcookin, dubboy88, craziimarcus and my right hand man underated 2k, this game lowkey has a few, dribble gods, or, iso gods, such as, hankdatank25, flyerdagreat, swante, the book of swante, expose him, ayyymark, irunyew, mark and his, clan leader, yrndj, is not too bad at dribbling himself, since were on the clan topic some of the best, clans, are, tnb, huh nation, ssh, smg, and the leaders are, nadexe, nadexey, annoyingtv, annoying huh, idontpass, eightyoneshots, did you know, ck the great, salsar, rc king, avneeshdaboss, fredo, are apart of, savage squad hoopers, there is a few, girls gamers, nba 2k17 girl gamers, that i rock with, prettylovespink, lahdabeballin, takayla, daja, kia amire, sgk7gaming, angela alexiss, fang plays, i love my, snow bunny, just like, king so, u remember when i dropped off that girl gamer, girl gamer exposed, exposing a girl gamer, lol, i watch alot of nba 2k17 youtubers tho, Flygodpryde | king of the jumpshot |, devthafinneser, devtakeflight, agent 00, manman grindhard, fanum, phantomslice, imdaviş, zootedbruh, redcityboi2k17, dmanuntnew, based chiko, lsk, doseofdennis, playboii ryan, prettyboyryan, pure vuitton, dopeswagg24, odell103, 0 dell103, flight, flightres, shady00018, gamingwithova, shooteveryone, steezo the god, yfn peso, tlg nation, donj 3205, brutalsim the nba 2k guru, nolimitshawn, sports tnb, hg power, power rg, power tnf, gento, king shawnn, shakedownnew, nickthebullsfan, troydan, staxmontana, shake4ndbake, csb, the kid kudda, nba 2k, two brother gaming, ipodkingcarter, nykefaller, orlandoinchicago, juiceman, sam pham, alemiracle, sixringsofsteel, stg, sub the gamer, antodaboss, prince prodigy, mindofrez nba 2k17, splashbroshd, brotha jones, coletheman, 2goofy, afropig23, marceldagreat, kspadetheprospect, xchasemoney, witnessgaming, magurkk, vuidz, da_czar, essenceofclutch, agholortv, dr 2k, yung afro, j money johnson, waffleman60, denwizard, coachg, jayo dadon, xkyriie, jfox entertainment, vcuhh, the lob mob, thegentlementv, irocversace, muzic2k, oprahside, y0ungdirk, abtheballer, king sosa guwop, easy breezy, devyoungsta, kingmelltv, lilroc1317, abovegravity, 24k jsmoov, daryus p, cortes, eddietv, swooshkilla5, flygodricco, jj2k, itzrease, kiingxdooms, aiirxjones, im not a no life at this game but im some what good so plz, getonmylevel, gta 5, call of duty, i play that, romanatwood, pewdiepie i watch dem, ronnie 2k, ld2k, mike wang, messed up nba 2k16 and 2k17, anyways run along with your day now