United passenger gets $10,000 travel voucher for giving up seat

2018-03-26 23

THE FRIENDLY SKIES — United Airlines gave a passenger $10,000 worth of travel credit last week after they bumped her from a flight.

Communications Director Allison Preiss was Texas bound for her friend's bachelorette party. Problem is one of the fully-booked planes seats was broke. Preiss live-tweeted the ordeal from the airport.

The airline asked for volunteers to give up their seat, initially offering a $1000 travel voucher. There were no takers so the airline bumped Preiss as she'd gotten the cheapest seat at $163.

According to Preiss, they offered her $2000 in travel credit, but she said she'd rather take the cash. Preiss also says United wanted her to sign a document saying she volunteered to give up her seat.

The airline offered her $10,000 in travel credit, plus some meal vouchers, reports ABC. Preiss took the deal, and got on a later flight and still made the bachelorette party.

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