JS Bach influencé par Buxtehude

2018-03-24 125

Through her concert tours, radio recordings and CD's (the complete organ works of Jehan Alain and Dietrich Buxtehude, portraits of Buttstett, Reger, Boëllmann, Dubois and Langlais, comprising some thirty recordings), as well as her musicological research, Helga Schauerte has within a few years become one of the outstanding musicians of her generation. Organist of the German Lutheran Church in Paris, teacher at the Paris Conservatory Nadia et Lili Boulanger, lecturer and jury member for international organ competitions, she maintains a brilliant career as a performing artist in Europe and throughout the USA. Author of the first book in the German language on Alain's music, she has discovered and acquired some forty of this composer's musical autographs. She has been engaged by Bärenreiter to contribute to the new edition of MGG, to write on French organ music subjects in the Handbuch Orgelmusik, and to publish scholarly-critical editions of the complete organ works of Léon Boëllmann, Théodore Dubois and Louis Vierne as well as of vocal music of Marc-Antoine Charpentier. She has also composed French Noël and German carol-settings for other instruments and organ published by Merseburger-Verlag. In 1987 she received the cultural prize of Olpe, Germany. Since 1990 her biography has been included in the International A testimony from Helga Schauerte, musicologist and organist holder of the German Evangelic Church of Paris. Credit:Présence Protestante: Jean-Sébastien Bach (DVD) http://www.presenceprotestante.com Un témoignage de Helga Schauerte, musicologue et organiste titulaire de l'Eglise Evangelique Allemande à Paris. Crédit:Présence Protestante: Jean-Sébastien Bach (DVD) http://www.presenceprotestante.com Lior http://www.helgaschauerte.net https://lior-art.deviantart.com/