Panicked dolphins swim in a frenzy to avoid killer whale attack

2018-03-21 1

An attack by killer whales caused a massive pod of dolphins to swim in a frenzy off Mossel Bay, South Africa.

“I got a call from a friend who works on a cage diving boat to say he'd seen orcas nearby,” the filmer said. “They’re a rare visitor to Mossel Bay, so I was very excited to hear this.”

“I drove to my nearest beach with my little one in the hopes of getting a glimpse of the orcas when suddenly we saw what looked like boiling water as hundreds of dolphins swam by in a frenzy,” the filmer continued. “My research colleagues — on the boat pictured — confirmed the dolphins were being chased by the orcas they were tracking. I have never seen dolphins behave like this in the seven years since I moved to South Africa from Scotland. And I work at sea a lot.”