How To Lose Weight By Loving Your Body - The Power Of Positive Body Images

2018-03-19 129

Here are ten signs of people who hate their body:

1. Fear of gaining weight
2. Always “feeling fat”
3. Never feel good enough about your body
4. Allowing your weight to determine your confidence
5. Attempting to elicit comments from others about how fat you are
6. Sucking in your stomach in front of a mirror to see what it looks like
7. Difficulty undressing in front of your spouse or other loved ones
8. Comparing your own body to people on television, movies, and magazines
9. Making negative comments about your body to others
10. Difficulty taking compliments from others about the way you look

How many signs you got?

– 1-3 signs: “I love my body!”

– 4-6 signs: “I’m not really confident with my body.”

– 7-10 signs: “I hate my body.”

(I got nine out of ten first time I tried…)

The decision to love or hate how your body look plays a big role in your attempt to lose weight. There are two kind of people who want to lose weight:

A) People who want to lose weight because they love their body

B) People who want to lose weight because they hate their body
If people love their body, their weight loss journey is most likely full of joy and free of stress. They able to see themself as a beautiful creation, and they will always be satisfied with the results.

If people hate their body, their weight-loss journey probably feels like carrying heavy burden. They often feel stressed about their weight, they always feel like they lack something, and they feel like the results are never enough.

That’s because loving yourself is the GREATEST KEY to long-term successful weight-loss transformation.