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Many people dont understand what insulin resistance (IR) is, so Im going to explain it in the easiest terms possible.\r
Insulin resistance occurs when you have a ton of insulin, but its not working. This is because your body is resisting insulin at the cellular level.Now insulin is not bad. You need insulin. In f, you cannot live without insulin.\r
But the problem is, we have too much insulin. Our diet is too full of sugars and starches. So were spiking insulin all day instead of allowing our body to rest and recover from it.\r
But heres whats fascinating. Your cells have a little window that allows insulin to drive fuel into them to give you energy. Insulin is also the main hormones that drives amino acids and nutrients into the cells. And these are important for muscles too. And thats where the relationship between insulin and loose skin becomes important.\r
Weight lifters are typically obsessed with branched amino acids because they are important for the repair and replenishment of lost muscle. For anyone trying to build muscle, recovery is just as important as lifting is. So, in short, branched amino acids help build muscle.\r
If youre losing muscle and atrophying, youll want plenty of branched amino acids.\r
They are relatively easy to get into the diet. You can get enough branched amino acids in a half a glass of milk, some lean turkey, chicken, or eggs. Vegetarians can get branched amino acids in virtually all the beans and lentils. Almonds and walnuts are also rich in them. Very few of us are probably low in branched amino acids.\r
So your cells are starved for energy via lack of insulin, and what happens is you get a signal sent back to the pancreas that makes insulin telling the pancreas “hey we dont have enough insulin, so pump out some more.” All of this because something is blocking that insulin from being absorbed.\r
Since it is blocked, now the pancreas thinks “hey, I better send out some more insulin to those needy cells” and drives more and more insulin toward them– literally trying to force nutrition into the cell.\r
All that excess insulin creates a host of issues throughout the body, one of which is affecting the collagen, skin, and muscles, creating loose, flabby skin. Its because were not getting those branched amino acids we need to tone the skin. This is why insulin resistance leads to flabby skin, aging, and all kinds of issues with diabetes.\r
On the other side, all this excessive insulin is creating belly fat and cognitive problems. If youve been noticing a severe, sudden problem with brain fog and forgetfulness, theres a strong chance, with todays modern diet and processed, starchy foods, that youre becoming insulin resistant.\r
This brain fog problem and the other cognitive issues IR causes are because of what is called amyloid fibrillations. Amyloids are sticky protein structures in the brain that are nearly always found in patients who have Alzheimers, Parkinsons, strokes, and dementia. Its really like Diabetes part İ.