Conservative TV commentator Larry Kudlow named Trump's top economic adviser

2018-03-15 25

U.S. President Donald Trump has named conservative economist Larry Kudlow as his new top economic adviser.
It's left to be seen how Kudlow,... who advocates free trade,... will impact Trump's tariff plans.
And as President Trump continues his trade war narrative,... the EU is urging him to engage in trade talks, not trade war.
Kim Hyo-sun tells us more. CNBC television commentator Larry Kudlow will become the Director of the National Economic Council,... replacing Gary Cohn,... who resigned after opposing President Trump's decision to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.
The conservative economist, who also served as an advisor to the Reagan administration, is a supporter of free trade.
Therefore,... U.S. media is speculating that he could clash with President Trump over tariffs and trade deals.
Meanwhile,... Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday to say that Washington will not turn a blind eye to unfair trade practices,... a message that could be aimed at many U.S. allies, including South Korea and the European Union, for going against his tariff increase,... and even reviewing whether to file complaints to the World Trade Organization.
As President Trump continues his trade war narrative,... the EU is urging Washington to revive trade talks rather than initiating a trade war.
It strongly criticized his decision to impose tariffs,... saying it undermines longstanding trans-Atlantic ties,... and added that the economic bloc is preparing potential countermeasures against American goods.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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