16 Fun Things to Do Stranded on a Deserted Island

2018-03-12 1

From building a catapult to making a simple hula hoop, here are 16 Fun Things to Do Stranded on a Deserted Island.\r
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7 - Build A Catapult \r
Heres an idea to help pass some time, you could construct a catapult. Why a catapult you ask? Several strange silly reasons of course! You could use that contraption to hunt really big fish, or unruly Merpeople. You could attempt to signal passing ships for help, nothing says save me like a giant rock flying overhead, or into the hull or through the sail. You could position the catapult near a vegetative food supply that you find, then you dont have to carry anything back to your shelter, just send it soaring through the air back to your home base and take your sweet time strolling back. \r
6 - Work Out\r
It will prove much easier to survive out there on that abandoned isle if you are in top physical condition. You could construct your own personalised workout routine. You could invent a whole new form of a clever, high-energy dance workout routine. This way, once your rescuers come to collect you, you will look ridiculously fit and beautiful! Plus, once safely back inside the civilised world, you can start an infomercial for your new killer workout moves and make a fortune! \r
5 - Swimming\r
Heres a fun ivity for the lone survivor island captive, time to hit those ocean waters and stretch out those muscles! By getting really good at self-propelling yourself through those tough ocean waters, you could possibly swim out to a ship and get yourself rescued, if one ever gets somewhat close to shore. There are a million ways to do it, theres the doggy paddle, the backstroke, competitive swimming, the possibilities are endless. This fun sport will help keep those muscles toned, mind centred and sense of fun satisfied. \r
4 - Learn to Grow Food\r
Food on deserted islands are more often than not scare, so fishing and hunting, especially spear hunting, are not only fun to do, but totally necessary to ensure survival. Theres always the occasional plant life to be found, such as nuts and berries in shrubbery or coconuts in trees. If you get really creative, and maybe, if the ship you crash landed on also was a laboratory, you could take this time to learn to genetically alter the islands food. For instance, you could attempt to grow colossally sized coconuts, some may even grow to be the size of small ships! Starvation wont stand a chance against creative ingenuity! Necessity is the mother of invention after all. \r
3 - Sand Castle Art\r
Now that youre stuck surrounded by miles and miles of sand, you may as well have a little fun with it. You could utilise this time to regain your love of art, by creating beautiful sandcastles on the beach. Since time is irrelevant in the case of total island isolation, this is a chance to really let your creativity soar. Why limit yourself to sandcastles? Why not sand dragons? You could construct entire cities composed of water infused sand. Only the sky and your imagination are your limitations, if you get really good, maybe you could construct a sandcastle to live in.\r
2 - Weave A Hammock \r
Rest is important for survival too and deserted islands probably have a pest problem, so its always best to sleep above the ground. So, a pragmatic, but still super fun thing to do, while stranded alone on beachy terrain is weaving a hammock. Plus once youre done with the hammocks construction, you will have a bed worthy of a king or queen. Hopefully, that ship you came on has some string or rope you could thread and fashion into the hook designs needed for hammock construction. If you dont have those materials at your disposal, you could always thread out some of the bigger thicker tree leaves to make ropes, or pull the threads off those huge coconuts you grew. Plus you are alone, you could tear apart those clothes you no longer require and instead fashion a hammock! \r
1 - Make a Hula Hoop\r
Apart from survival, being stranded on a deserted island can get rather dull, some of the best ways to entertain yourself are to create games to play or toys to entertain yourself with. A hula hoop is an excellent easily constructible toy, which will guarantee you hours of isolated fun and plenty of stellar exercise. A hula hoop is basically a three-dimensional circle which fits around your waist and using some turns of the hips, spins around your body. You can make one with some bendable wood snapped off some trees, or you can place a tree branch out in the sun and let it heat up, then it should become bendable, bandage the circle together with whatever you can find, vines should do the trick. If necessary, you could construct a hula hoop using animal bones. With a little time and price you can become the best hooper ever!