Top 5 Doomsday Signs Of Economic Collapse - Wait Till You See Number 5

2018-03-11 5

If you dont think economic collapse is coming and coming soon, you havent been paying attention to what the Fed has done over the last 5 years and what President Obama is doing.\r
When economic collapse finally hits, and it will, more than 50 percent of Americans will be completely wiped out in just a few weeks. And then what do you think will happen.\r
So what are the 5 signs we are heading for economic collapse or economic doomsday like the world has never seen?\r
1. Almost one quarter of all Americans have amassed more credit card debt than they have in emergency savings. That means when massive layoffs start happening, people will only have a few weeks of savings before they are wiped out and wont even be able to afford groceries. And they will still have to pay their credit cards, all the while draining their almost non existent savings.\r
It gets worse…\r
2. A full 62 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and when they lose their jobs, they cant buy groceries, they cant pay their bills, they cant put gas in their cars and so on. Only 38% percent of people surveyed can cover a $500 repair bill, much less keep things going for even a couple of weeks with no pay.\r
3. Stocks are facing an absolutely monumental crash - Corporate debt is back to 2007 PEAK levels. Margin debt which is money borrowed to buy stocks is at 2007 PEAK levels. Chinas GDP numbers are a total fiction. Chinas rail freight volume is at a 24 year low. We are in a global economy that when investors see the full imp and the market starts to slide, it will be a huge sinkhole of wealth destruction.\r
4. The Economic disaster Greece is facing - How Greece has managed to hold on without total collapse is anyone guess, but there is a looming disaster just waiting to happen in Europe over Greece. They cant pay their bills and have agreed to a 4 month extension of loan guarantees from the European Union while on the other hand their new Socialist government under Price Minister Alexis Tsipras has already said he will not pay Greek debt to the EU, but the EU just loaned him even more money.\r
A protest group called ANTARSYA has called for defaulting on Greeces debt, and nationalization without compensation of major industries, banning of lay-offs, the disarmament of the police, full political and social rights for immigrants. Sure, please tell us what fantasy land that can happen in. Nothing like good old Socialism with no means of financial support to ruin an economy.\r
Of course it gets worse, you didnt think we were done yet, did you?\r
This is a good one and just what youve been waiting for. Get this.\r
5. The US Treasury is spending billions of dollars they wont even account to Congress for. Its hard to believe we have come to the point in this country where Congress asks the United States Treasury to account for 3 billion in Obamacare payments and they flat out tell Congress, NO!\r
Astoundingly Rep Paul Ryan has asked the treasury to explain why $3 billion in payments were made to health insurers even though Congress never authorized the spending through annual appropriations and the Treasury Department told him flat out, they would not comply.\r
If the treasury under the Obama administration cannot and will not account for this kind of money, $3 Billion, what else are they up to at the orders of Barack Hussein Obama?\r
There you go, economic collapse is looming and our government from the Congress to the Treasury, to the Federal Reserve to President Obama knows it and it is as if they want it to happen because no one is doing anything about it.\r
Check out the links in the video description below for references on these 5 signs.\r
Living on the financial edge:\r
Americans are living paycheck to paycheck:\r
Greek protests ready for disaster:\r
Treasury Dept refuses to comply with Congressional request:\r
The Data Shows economic collapse is coming soon:\r

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