Juliette salutes the sun (Russia)

2018-03-10 1

Avoid using terms like : “I can’t do it “, “It escapes me”. Self-abasing thoughts filter down into the subconsciousness and we actually start to believe it.

get it done!
if you want to send something to us by "snail-mail"?
Dr. Michael McGannon, 20 Quai Lunel, Impasse de la Marine
06300, Nice, FRANCE

E mail: michael.mc-gannon@wanadoo.fr or michael.mcgannon@insead.edu

Here are my Social-Media links. Come on over, love to have you! Follow us for community-payback videos on health and vitality on:

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-juliette-mcgannon-41a29316/

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Instagram: https://instagram.com/ michael.mcgannon

Youku: http://i.youku.com/i/UMzc0NjYwMzExNg==?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0