Kushner Security Clearance REVOKED?

2018-03-10 1

On CNN AC360 with Anderson Cooper, guest Host John Berman speaks to Former CIA and FBI Senior Official, Phil Mudd, The New York Times National Security Correspondent, David Sanger and Former Presidential Adviser to Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton, David Gergen discusses President Trumps decision to not taking any ion on the information given to him by former ing Attorney General, Sally Yates on the f that Former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn had broken some law and that he could be blackmailed due to his several complicated conts with Foreign leaders. The panel also discusses Trump son in-law and top advisor, Jared Kushner on his conts with the Russians in which he recommended a back-channel or secret communications\r
with the Russians. Kushner also met with Russian Ambassador Kislyak in several occasions.\r
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