How To Open & Activate Your Pineal Gland, Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra ~ 3 POWERFUL Techniques!

2018-03-08 55

How to Activate Your Third Eye Using Meditation Techniques
The third eye is a spiritual concept that refers to a person being able to achieve perception beyond ordinary sight.

Also known as the ‘inner eye', it is the gateway to inner realms and states of higher consciousness, beyond the physical world.

The third eye is commonly associated with visions, clairvoyance, out-of-body-experiences (OBE), astral projection and the ability to observe chakras and auras.

Where is the Third Eye?
In Hinduism the third eye refers to the brow chakra, located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows.

In Theosophy the third eye is said to be connected to the pineal gland, which maintains light sensitivity and is responsible for the production of DMT (dimethyltryptamine), a psychedelic drug which many spiritualists believe to be excreted in large quantities at the moments of birth and death.

It is said that through third eye meditation, the third eye is activated, DMT released and access to higher realms gained.

The third eye is also known as the sixth chakra, and referred to as “clairvoyant sight”, a word taken from the French language, meaning “clear vision” . This is basically the ‘sixth sense', which gives a person the capability to access information beyond the five physical senses.

What Happens During Third Eye Meditation?
Third eye meditation opens up your clairvoyant sight. Don't worry if you've never done this before, because like eyes, everyone has a third eye; it just needs activating and training.

Opening the third eye allows a meditator to clear energy blocks and self-limitations and releases negative karma.

People often discover/access new information and explore higher levels of consciousness during this form of meditation, and as mentioned previously, this is also used as a pathway to astral projection and lucid dreaming.

Once you successfully activate the third eye, rays of light will stream in and you will begin to see vivid colors, pictures, auras and visions. With practice you will begin to see more clearly, opening up pathways to higher levels of consciousness and spirituality.

If you have clairvoyant tendencies they will begin to flourish outside of your your meditation. You may begin to perceive the chakras and aura energies of people, plants and animals, and going forward you may see other dimensional beings and objects.

Try this 21-Step Third Eye Meditation Technique
It is best to practice your third eye meditation after having recently woken up from a state of sleep; so best in the morning or after an afternoon nap. The reason for this is that the brain is already in a state conducive to meditation, i.e. very relaxed in the theta state, with heightened inner-awareness and intuition and low stress/anxiety levels.

It is also possible to enter third eye meditation as you are falling asleep, however, this takes some practice and it is best to start the other way around first.