Title: Sighting in the Xisco Sentry with Airgun Angie and Edmund
Xisco Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/xi...
Hatsan Optima 3-12x50 Scope https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/ha...
H&N Field Target Trophy Pellets 8.64 Grain http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
Get it: Xisco Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/xi...
Get it: Hatsan Optima 3-12x50 Scope https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/ha...
Get it: H&N Field Target Trophy Pellets 8.64 Grain http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
About this Video: Airgun Angie and her son Edmund sight in her new Hatsan Optima Scope that's mounted on her new Xisco Sentry PCP rifle! Now they're ready for more shootin'!
Products and Props used in this Episode: Xisco Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/xi...
Hatsan Optima 3-12x50 Scope https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/ha...
H&N Field Target Trophy Pellets 8.64 Grain http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
About this Video: Airgun Angie and her son Edmund sight in her new Hatsan Optima Scope that's mounted on her new Xisco Sentry PCP rifle! Now they're ready for more shootin'!
Products and Props used in this Episode: Xisco Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/xi...
Hatsan Optima 3-12x50 Scope https://www.airgunproshop.com/shop/ha...
H&N Field Target Trophy Pellets 8.64 Grain http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
About Backyard Shooting and our Supporters:
We’d like to thank AirgunProShop for all their help and support. Looking for Airguns, Pellets, Scopes, and other accessories, get them at http://www.airgunproshop.com. Get it right the first time, get your next airgun from the ones that actually shoot what they sell.
Backyard Shooting videos are managed by Dog River Design, LLC.
Tags: Xisico Sentry, Airgun Proshop, pcp rifles, sighting in, fun shoot, backyard shooting, airgun test, backyard, airgun
SEO Title: Sighting in the Xisco Sentry with Airgun Angie and Edmund
Meta Data: Getting the Xisico Sentry ready to shoot with Airgun Angie and Edmund.