Title: Airgun Angie's on a mission! What is the Xisico Sentry's Favorite Pellet!
Xisico Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/…/xisico…/
H&N Field Target Trophy 8.65 Grain Pellets http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
RWS Superdome 8.3 Grain Pellets
Exact Diablo 8.44 Grain Pellets
Exact Heavy Diablo 10.34 Grain Pellets
Birchwood Casey Reactive Targets
About this Video: Airgun Angie and Edmund are on a mission...They wants to find out what thier Xisico Sentry's favorite pellet is! They tried four different pellets, which one shoots the best?
Products and Props used in this Episode:
Xisico Sentry .177 PCP https://www.airgunproshop.com/…/xisico…/
H&N Field Target Trophy 8.65 Grain Pellets http://amzn.to/2AU1Han
RWS Superdome 8.3 Grain Pellets
Exact Diablo 8.44 Grain Pellets
Exact Heavy Diablo 10.34 Grain Pellets
Birchwood Casey Reactive Targets
About Backyard Shooting and our Supporters:
We’d like to thank AirgunProShop for all their help and support. Looking for Airguns, Pellets, Scopes, and other accessories, get them at http://www.airgunproshop.com. Get it right the first time, get your next airgun from the ones that actually shoot what they sell.
If you have a product that you think will go well on our show, then please contact us via our website and let’s talk.
Backyard Shooting videos are managed by Dog River Design, LLC.
Title: Airgun Angie's on a mission! What is the Xisico Sentry's Favorite Pellet!
Tags: Xisico Sentry, PCP, pellet trial, Exact Diablo, H&N Field Target Trophy, RWS Superdome, bulls eye, drilling it, airgun test, target shooting, product testing, backyard shooting, back yard shooting, airguns
Recording / Publish Date:
December 22nd, 2017
Announcement text: Airgun Angie and Edmund are on a mission...They wants to find out what thier Xisico Sentry's favorite pellet is! They tried four different pellets, which one shoots the best? - Backyard Shooting
SEO Title: Airgun Angie's on a mission! What is the Xisico Sentry's Favorite Pellet!
META Description: Airgun Angie and Edmund are on a mission...They wants to find out what thier Xisico Sentry's favorite pellet is! They tried four different pellets, which one shoots the best? - Backyard Shooting