Title: Airgun Angie Lets Her Gamo Bone Collector .22 Cal Out the Box
Get it: Gamo Bone Collector .22 Cal Air Rifle https://www.gamousa.com/product.aspx?...
Get it: Gamo Red Fire .22 Cal Pellets
About this video: Airgun Angie Got some new guns, check 'em out with her while she lets 'em out the box. First one is the Game Bone Collector .22 Cal! Keep watching to see the rest!
Posting META DATA:
Title: Airgun Angie Lets Her Gamo Bone Collector .22 Cal Out the Box
Tags: Gamo Bone Collector, Gamo, .22 Cal, air rifle, taking it out, gamo usa, bone collector, huntin, airguns, backyard shooting
Recording/Publishing Date:
December 28th, 2017
Announcement Text: Airgun Angie Lets Her Gamo Bone Collector .22 Cal Out the Box
SEO TITLE: Airgun Angie Lets Her Gamo Bone Collector .22 Cal Out the Box
META DESCRIPTION: Airgun Angie Got some new guns, check 'em out with her while she lets 'em out the box. First one is the Game Bone Collector .22 Cal! Keep watching to see the rest!