Title: Airgun Angie Lets Her New Gamo Swarm Out the Box!
Swarm Maxxim .22 Cal
Gamo Red Fire Pellets
Get it: Swarm Maxxim .22 Cal
Get it: Gamo Red Fire Pellets
About this video: Gamo has added to Airgun Angie's airgun collection with a Gamo Swarm .22 Cal Air Rifle, check it out while she opens it!
Recording/Publishing Date
Tags: Gamo Usa, Gamo Swarm Maxxim, repeater break barrel, ten shot clip, out the box, air rifle, backyard shooting, backyard, airgun testing, product testing
SEO TITLE: Airgun Angie Lets Her New Gamo Swarm Out the Box!
META DECRIPTION: Gamo has added to Airgun Angie's airgun collection with a Gamo Swarm .22 Cal Air Rifle, check it out while she opens it!