President Trump’s fortune is $400 million less than it was last year, according to Forbes.
President Trump's fortune is $400 million less than it was last year, according to Forbes. The magazine attributes the decline to New York's tough real estate market and Trump's "polarizing personality." Retail space doesn't rent for what it used to, and the Trump Organization is now facing the challenge of finding an occupant for the 65,000-square-foot space being vacated by Nike. Further, while revenue at golf clubs located in states Trump won in 2016 is up, declines have occurred in regions taken by Hilary Clinton. Trump's worth is now estimated to be roughly $3.1 billion. While that is without question an astounding amount of money, the magazine notes it's "a far cry" from the $10 billion fortune he's claimed to have. Those who actually do have that kind of wealth--and then some--include Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who tops the list at $112 billion. Bezos had a quite a year, with his net worth experiencing a meteoritic rise. The bulk of the increase is attributed to dramatic growth in the value of Amazon's stock. In January, he landed at the top of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index with an estimated net worth of $105.1 billion. Not far behind him on the recently released Forbes' list are Microsoft's Bill Gates at $90 billion and Warren Buffett with $84 billion.